// (C) 2003 CodeLifter.com // Source: CodeLifter.com // Do not remove this header // Set the message for the alert box am = "May I Know What You Are Trying To Do??"; // do not edit below this line // =========================== bV = parseInt(navigator.appVersion) bNS = navigator.appName=="Netscape" bIE = navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer" function nrc(e) { if (bNS && e.which > 1){ alert(am) return false } else if (bIE && (event.button >1)) { alert(am) return false; } } document.onmousedown = nrc; if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); if (bNS && bV<5) window.onmousedown = nrc; Eyes aflame with Light!
.:Thursday, August 26, 2010:.
3 weeks into the start of school n i've finally hav time to blog!

Oh well, now i'm slacking in D406, which i've considered it to be my new home.

Since i only went back to my hometown Bishan for only 4 hours last weekend.

Parents have been kaopei since i've stayed too much time in hall already.

But the balance has to come sooner or later, to keep everyone happy.

Time management and organisation skills will ready come to handy in hall life.

But in another sense, i'm really enjoying sheares now.

This is a place with a unique culture and friendly ppl.

This is a place where you won't feel like being confined or doing DO duty even if u have to stay behind on wkends.

This is a place where true friendships blossom.

Even if u dunno each other well enough, spending 24hrs a day tgt for almost everyday a week would bond us tgt really well.

To sum it all, i would become an emo boy if i were not staying in hall, which i can't imagine.

Imagine taking an hr to go to sch for a 2 hr lecture and den an hr back home and den study n den sleep, and the next day the cycle repeats...

Tt's definitely not the kind of life i desire.

And the fun's jus started!


.:Vince left his dream on 3:59 PM:.