// (C) 2003 CodeLifter.com // Source: CodeLifter.com // Do not remove this header // Set the message for the alert box am = "May I Know What You Are Trying To Do??"; // do not edit below this line // =========================== bV = parseInt(navigator.appVersion) bNS = navigator.appName=="Netscape" bIE = navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer" function nrc(e) { if (bNS && e.which > 1){ alert(am) return false } else if (bIE && (event.button >1)) { alert(am) return false; } } document.onmousedown = nrc; if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); if (bNS && bV<5) window.onmousedown = nrc; Eyes aflame with Light!
.:Monday, December 07, 2009:.
It so rare that i get an urge to blog nowadays.

But this is definitely not following motion!

Congrats to all those who finished stand chart yesterday! :)
(Especially myself haha!)

For those who ran their hearts out in their virgin marathon,
(yea me too!)

the experience is definitely amazing!

To be able to survive the whole ordeal

is no easy feat.

Past training have finally paid off.

We are all proud to wear the finisher tee,

definitely one of the most hard-earned shirts in my life.

I'm now one of the less than 1% of the world population,

who can boast to have ran a marathon before.

And to complete it in 4h 55 mins,

a fantastic shocking sub 5 timing,

what more could i ask for?

The process, experience, motivation, torture during those 5 hrs,

not many challenges can compare to that.

At the start line,

you start asking yourself

why are you paying to torture yourself?

But the rewards are certainly sweet.

Not to mention some piss off occasions,

whereby some bugger pour 100+ on my adidas shoes.

A man ran wif 1 arm missing

A man ran and push someone on the wheelchair at the same time.

Old aunties and uncles who ran faster than you.

Things that motivate you along.

especially when you start to walk.

If those guys can do it,

y me, an able-bodies young man cannot??

We still finish wif open arms in the air.

Proud to be a finisher of 42.195!

This is

The time of our life!

.:Vince left his dream on 10:42 AM:.