// (C) 2003 CodeLifter.com
// Source: CodeLifter.com
// Do not remove this header
// Set the message for the alert box
am = "May I Know What You Are Trying To Do??";
// do not edit below this line
// ===========================
bV = parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
bNS = navigator.appName=="Netscape"
bIE = navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer"
function nrc(e) {
if (bNS && e.which > 1){
return false
} else if (bIE && (event.button >1)) {
return false;
document.onmousedown = nrc;
if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);
if (bNS && bV<5) window.onmousedown = nrc;
Its been a while guys...
have been dao-ing my blog...
but here i'm
happy chinese new year to everyone! :)
although this yr's ang paos r not really that much for me...
getting used to my new working environment
and my new roles and responsibilties
its true that u really look at things differently
when u get that bar
from an officer and cadet point of view
but the desire to become a pc still linger inside me
looking @ that sword in my room
the journey i've been thru
its not easy
Charge a guy to DB for the first time last tue
cos of AWOL
now i noe how it feels to charge someone...
i wanna do sth
.:Vince left his dream on 11:11 AM:.
the year of ord
11 months is not a dream anymore
.:Vince left his dream on 10:13 PM:.